Under the decentralization form of Government in Uganda, the function of the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) that has been transferred to Local Governments is agricultural extension service that is being provided by National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) Organization, currently Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) (LDC, 1995; LDC, 2004).
However, the Sector is also mandated to implement the following key functions of MAAIF in Local Governments (MAAIF, 2010):
Control of epidemic diseases, pests and parasites affecting crops, animals and fish: this includes reporting, investigations, diagnosis, surveillance, vaccination and treatment;
Enforcing Agricultural laws and regulations (including those pertaining to livestock and fisheries subsectors: controlling inter – District movement of animals and animal products, enforcing quarantine restrictions and animal welfare issues);
Carrying out inspection and certification of agricultural inputs such as agro – biological and animal feeds;
Ensuring Veterinary Public Health: control of Zoo noses, ensuring hygiene of livestock products;
Registration and licensing of traders in agricultural chemicals, seeds, livestock and fishing;
Carrying out quality assurance (technical) audit under NAADS;
Agricultural statistics.
Restocking Programme
The restocking program designed to improve the economic well-being of households, promote social mobilization for development, peace building and reconciliation is part of the Peace Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP)
Nebbi district since the financial 2019/2020 received 331 heifers (Short Horn Zebu and Long Ankole Cattle) and 51 bulls.
Agricultural Cluster Development Project.
This project is now under phase 2 and the district is in cluster 12 that is chosen to promote cassava production covering Nebbi and Pakwach district. Farmers are provided with subsidized farm inputs, improved agricultural infrastructure, post-harvest handling technologies and more competitive prices for inputs and outputs. A total of 5,000 farmers are expected to benefit from project in the two districts. Currently 990 farmers have been registered to benefit from the project.
The project is also in the process of contracting Contractors to work on roads chokes worth UGX 1,784,700,657 in the two Districts of Pakwach and Nebbi.
Five farmer groups have been approved to benefit from matching grant worth UGX 1.6 billion. The groups include; Yesu Dit Farmers Cooperative Ltd in Penji Oryang and PAMSIP in Parombo Sub County.
The other groups are Arata Rach Farmers Cooperative in Kucwiny Sub County, Kudi ol Farmers and Savings group and Mer ber farmers Cooperative.
The funds will be used for among others construction of storage facilities, processing machine, cassava mill, drier and fencing